Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Messing about on the river...

Well more a brook actually and on a chilly February 2012 morning, a good hard days fence clearing down in the water meadows and south belt. Lots of pleasant surprises starting with Mike announcing a change of task from blocking to a trip down to the water meadows to get the cotswold wardens started on their tasks and us to cut back some vigorous grey willow growth by the brook. This required some careful attention to the nearby fast running brook lest we took an unplanned dip!

windrush path to the water meadows

Being used to working with rangers in splendid isolation {one or two exceptions with Martin e.g. Bibury!} it was good for a change to meet up with other volunteers. In fact later that morning we also met up with the volunteer team from the wildlife trust who were doing stirling work on the 'ditches'.  So a veritable army of people working in the countryside but no shortage  of work to do today and for a good number of days into the future.

courtesy WT volunteer Mike

As an extra bonus as Mike drove down to the work site this morning I spotted a buzzard and kite. This was somewhat trumped as eagle eyed Mike spotted a magnificent  male hen harrier perched on a bush adjacent to the fence we were to clear. It even provided us with a 'fly by' as it took to the air but flew low over the ground in its classic hunting style. Didn't see any of the  'short eared' owls in the area but you can't have everything.

More fencing work in the afternoon followed but this time in the South Belt area where Mike with pole saw cut back a long row of trees whilst I struggled to remove the 'old to be replaced' fence frozen into the hard ground {using wire cutters and much cursing}. Back to splendid isolation, bitter cold and sadly one dead deer which had come off  worse with a vehicle on the A40.

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