Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Fencing with rails?

Hedge plants starting to mature, Sandy Hill Copse in distance

Northfield Copse in distance, fence gone by Clarks Close

It's a long stretch of fencing needed down to Sherborne wall

First fence section poles erected at Clarks Close 

Not a new olympic sport but alternative fencing construction to usual stock fencing. Previous volunteer session had removed old rail fence line along the top section of Clarks Close, it was a significant stretch of fencing to replace so the tractor was a welcome support to the task. Before starting to layout the fence poles I took the opportunity to see how the hedges built in 2013 were doing. Although James and I had a healthy number of fence poles in the trailer it became obvious we had insufficient  to cover the extensive fence line needed. Mike also concluded the old rails wouldn't be good enough to re-use and the old gate posts giving access to Clarks Close would also have to be replaced.  James and I positioned  the posts while Mike using the power of the new tractor pushed the poles into the ground. Given the unseasonable cool weather the limited use of the drival and metal pole for positioning the poles was sufficient to keep me warm. Unfortunately I didn't get to attach the rails to the first section of the fence line but hopefully I may get the chance to have a go next week unless Mike and James get the extra poles and finish the job over the next week. Whatever the outcome Mike has more fencing work planned plus plenty more tree guards so my drilling and hammering skills will come into play over the coming months.

This blog from Martin Harper confirms a number of things: EU is a positive {albeit slow} force for the environment/wildlife, DEFRA {Truss} are pretty useless, Shooting fraternity {with their super figure head Botham} may start to worry their sorry minority of privileged, arrogant members could face a bigger threat from 'us' than they ever considered and Mark Avery's dogged persistence is edging the environmental position slowly forwards. Not bad since this Government supported by the press {owners/editors with shooting bias} continue to provide a powerful negative force concerning issues impacting our Natural environment.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016


A dog each!

Spring Bat count at Sherborne today and Toby's first visit to Sherborne. In fact with Pip, Pepper, Maddie, Ollie and Toby the dogs nearly outnumbered the humans! Probably influenced by the weather but everyone in good spirits as we prepared for the tour of the bat roosts. Morris and Mike lead the count with James and myself on security with Maddie, Ollie and Toby as 'guards'.  The Bat Cave total of lesser horseshoes was 88, the Kennels 65, the Bothy an astonishing 66 and the Cellar 15 giving a great 234 Total [ Good but not not quite record breaking as 249 total last year].

Debate on the EU still raging with plenty of nonsense from both sides but from an environment point of view staying in has to be a better option bearing in mind the way this government has acted while in power. Amusingly but not surprisingly the NFU want to stay in, can't be the funding they/their members  receive with very little accountability can it! Lastly another good blog by Martin Harper, especially the bits about 'feisty NGOs' and powerful statutory agencies.