Littleworth wood viewed from Snowshill Manor |
Sadly no NT work experiences this week, and for as yet an undetermined period, as I appear to have damaged a tendon connected to my right knee (this to be confirmed by the Dr today). I may have made this unexpected injury worse by working at Snowshill Manor on Sunday but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sunday did however provide two new experiences. One was working with the Coventry garden volunteers which was rewarding and the second involved some animal husbandry. This involved escorting a rogue goat off the premises and back to its mate on an adjoining property. Helped by Katie we scrambled down the shelter belt, crossed a small stream, gently pulling the goat with us, and then lifted the goat over the boundary fence back into its field. There was no doubt the grass in its field was inferior to ours so no surprise that it had, via an as yet undetermined route , decided to pay Snowshill Manor a visit!
In the ongoing 'bee' saga and 'neonics' I thought this NT blog {NT Pressoffice} provides a good perspective, especially why is the temporary ban only 2 years when this particular pesticide lingers around for ~4 years. Slightly odd connection with the Chelsea flower show but this NT blog reminds us of the ongoing threat to our trees.